Thursday, May 16, 2013

Little Moments of Big Grace

My kids are messy. I don't think that they are messier than the average kid, but my understanding is that the average kid is pretty darn messy. So when I found a pile of brightly colored, used plastic cups on our enclosed front porch, no doubt left over from a lunch that happened approximately three years ago, I shouldn't have been surprised. Really, as messes go that was SO not a big deal. I've seen much, much worse, but they had neglected to be responsible and so they needed to be called on it. And it's not likely that I'd be using my sugary-sweet voice as I did said calling.

But then the thought hit me, "What if I just picked them up?" Not extremely novel as thoughts go, but you see, I'm a stickler for having my children clean up after themselves. How else will they learn to be mature, responsible cup picker-uppers contributing to society? But a little voice in my head told me that this wasn't a moment to be a stickler, this was a moment that could be filled with grace.

At that moment, I knew my kids didn't need to be scolded yet again, but what they really needed was a mommy who picked up after them while they played outside in the sunshine. Sometimes the most gracious thing a parent can do is scold and discipline their child, but sometimes the best thing to do is to bend down and clean up their mess.

They'll never know this little internal struggle I went through. They'll never know they got out of doing some work. But in that moment, they were covered by grace. And my prayer as their mommy is that this grace will, by the power of God, change their little hearts and turn them into gracious, loving people.

It was such a little thing. It took 45 seconds at most, but our days are made up of little moments. It's the little moments that can bring smiles or tears. It's in the little moments that the battle for my children's souls is being fought. And it's these little moments of big grace that will turn my children's faces toward Jesus. 

And that's no little thing.

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