Monday, January 6, 2014

The Lesson I Learned From My Keurig

This morning I was taking pictures of my coffee maker like a crazy person in my pajamas. See, there's this little metal piece that covers a drip tray that catches all the little spills that happen around a coffee maker- excuse me, I mean a Keurig gourmet single-serving coffee brewing system.

You can see that this metal tray has a star punched through it with little holes that allow the gourmet beverage drips to pass through, collect below, and bother you no longer. But why is it in the shape of a star? A grid of these holes in straight lines would also serve the same purpose just fine. Yet, the makers of Keurig chose a star design. Why? Because it's pretty. It makes the user feel a little classier, a little more special. It adds charm and whimsy.

Well, the reason I was taking pictures of this tiny detail of my kitchen was because I wanted to mark the moment I saw a real-life example of how I want to live. Sure, a life of straight lines would work just fine, but why not do a star instead? A nicely decorated house would serve my family well, but why not paint murals on the walls or use chalkboard paint with abandon? A well-ordered day would be a useful thing, but why not occasionally toss the chores and schoolwork out the window and go run on the beach? Or make lunch in the shape of silly faces? Or write a poem about a dream you had? 

I never want my life to be straight lines. Yes, we need order and structure, but we need beauty and whimsy just as much- and sometimes more. If ever given the choice between straight lines and a star, I want to always choose to add that touch of charm, that gentle kiss of beauty that makes life pop off the page and become worth living.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. It reminds me of the quote, "I'm sorry my house is messy, children are making memories here." I love that wrote and concur with this post.
